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Define the anatomic subsites of the larynx.


Review staging of glottic and supraglottic carcinoma.


Describe the management of leukoplakia, dysplasia, and carcinoma in situ of the glottis.


Is laryngopharyngeal reflux risk factor for laryngeal cancer?


Describe the different conservation laryngeal procedures.


What are the indications and contraindications for conservation surgery in early glottic carcinoma?


Endoscopic laser excision in early glottic cancer-indications and contraindications.


Ledda, G. P., & Puxeddu, R. (2006). Carbon dioxide laser microsurgery for early glottic carcinoma. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery : Official Journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 134(6), 911–915.

Gallo, A., de Vincentiis, M., Manciocco, V., Simonelli, M., Fiorella, M. L., & Shah, J. P. (2002). CO2 laser cordectomy for early-stage glottic carcinoma: a long-term follow-up of 156 cases. The Laryngoscope, 112(2), 370–374.


Discuss the extent of surgery for early glottic cancers if not using radiation.


Dunne, A. A., Davis, R. K., Dalchow, C. V, Sesterhenn, A. M., & Werner, J. A. (2006). Early supraglottic cancer: how extensive must surgical resection be, if used alone? The Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 120(9), 764–769.


Discuss radiation therapy in early glottic carcinoma-pros and cons. What is “narrow field” radiation of the larynx and when is it used?


Is there a difference in survival in patients with early laryngeal cancer treated with surgery vs. radiation? How about voice outcomes?


Jones, A. S., Fish, B., Fenton, J. E., & Husband, D. J. (2004). The treatment of early laryngeal cancers (T1-T2 N0): surgery or irradiation? Head & Neck, 26(2), 127–135.


Your VA patient was treated with XRT for T1bN0M0 SCCA left tvf. On office exam you suspect a lesion and operative SML reveals persistence of tumor confined to anterior left tvf. What are his surgical options? Consult with your laryngololgist. Tell us about the criteria for surgery as described by Biller.


Biller, H. F., Barnhill, F. R. J., Ogura, J. H., & Perez, C. A. (1970). Hemilaryngectomy following radiation failure for carcinoma of the vocal cords. The Laryngoscope, 80(2), 249–253.


Can laser excision be used in early glottic cancer radiation failures?


Ansarin, M., Planicka, M., Rotundo, S., Santoro, L., Zurlo, V., Maffini, F., … Chiesa, F. (2007). Endoscopic carbon dioxide laser surgery for glottic cancer recurrence after radiotherapy: oncological results. Archives of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, 133(12), 1193–1197.


Discuss endoscopic vs. open supraglottic laryngectomy for early supraglottic carcinoma.


Zeitels, S. M. (1997). Surgical management of early supraglottic cancer. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, 30(1), 59–78.